WEMPlate – Sour cherry (green) pie

Green cake ??? Why not! This nettle flour-based pie looks somewhat unusual, however the flavour fits into our world-order without further ado. It has a slightly green tea taste, that fits well with the sour cherry.

Nettle  (Urtica dioica L.) flour is actually the dried nettle leaf grist, but to achieve the neutral taste, it should be blanched or cooked before drying. Nettle flour meets the criteria in most modern diets. In addition to that, its nutritional profil is excellent too.



WEMPlate – Herbal teas with milk

The discovery of the month for me is the bilberry leaf tea, which has a so delicious flavor that rivals the fruit teas. The tea can be prepared both from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) leaves. The only "problem" with them is that they are endangered or protected in Hungary, but they are frequent and harvestable in Transylvania, Harghita area. The leaves contain mainly tannins and flavones.

WEMPlate - Braised Lamb's quarter with naan

The Lamb's quarter (Chenopodium album) is a widespread “weed” you can find both on the road side, in the garden, and at forests edge. But once you tasted it, you surely will reconsider its “weed” startus !

This recipe is quite a coincidence: normally I don't stop at the kitchen' section in the magazines, but this time I found an Indian recipe with naan, the Indian bread.

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